Quilters are Givers

Why would you cut up perfectly nice whole cloth fabric into little pieces, spend hours deciding where to put those tiny pieces, more hours sewing and unsewing, then layering and more sewing!… not done yet… Then you add another ‘edge’ to the whole thing and call it: TIME WELL SPENT!!      You betcha!   That’s quilting.

Originally, quilters were frugal homemakers, saving old shirts, dresses and bits, then adding them all together in a pleasing way to make blanket-quilts which keep their families warm.  And they look good on the bed or chair!

We, Elgin Quilters, continue in this main.  We share our warm hearts by making and giving these quilts to the stressed out women and children in shelter.  Letting them know that we do care about them, during a time when they likely doubt anyone does.   “Violence Against Women, Elgin County”  distributes these quilts for us, and usually a pillow sack too.

What are you working on?

Cancer CapI have so many projects to work on, I have trouble choosing which one to begin with. Check off the ones done from my list…
I did finish the socks for my sister and she loves them. Of course!
I have 4 of the 6 Cancer ‘scarves’ (or are they hats?) done, the others are cut out.
The Stanley bears just need their engineer hats tacked on, all of their coveralls are made and on them. Plus extra uniforms (for bears) are ready for packaging.
I have started a pair of socks for myself in black with some grey varigates in the yarn. Not my favourite to knit with, but I wear a lot of dark jeans and super coloured socks kind of stand out!
On my list to do…
Oh! The May-June quilting class needs a sample! I’ve got the design worked out, phew!
A few repairs and alterations to fix up.
Ohh! I’ve got to work on my Round Robin for the Quilters’ Guild! And the block of the month! I’m doing it by ‘Quilt-as-you-go’ so I need to baste the bars of blocks to batting and backing, each set of bars that is. Plus finish the borders and baste them to the bats and backing. I’m a bit behind on that project.
But it is sooo nice out right now.
After the day at the shop, I might want to just enjoy the sun!
OK. Back to some book work and then to sewing!